responding to these intriguing questions *in writing* will help you explain your vision and boost your commitment by helping you to target your true motives. Build muscle. You may also have an abiding record of your values and concerns that you can intermittently use as a timely reminder that will re-ignite your incentive. You would like to shed the pounds as you believe that being lighter will make some positive change in your life.
perhaps you feel that losing pounds will make you more fascinating, more favored, more lovable, live longer, have less agony, or make somebody envious. Your incentive could simply be pride in showing the self-discipline to do your goal. Sit down and write out precisely what you hope to win.
Check over the shoulder without losing control or swerving. Write down precisely what differences you'll see, hear, feel, taste and smell. Write down who's help you want in reaching your target. Possibilities are, somebody close to you'll attempt to sabotage your progress - either consciously or subconsciously. There'll always be someone that, for who knows what reason, doesn't want you to shed pounds. Either convince them to your side, or forget them. Too many folk go out on their lonesome or hear the incorrect sources. Find a convincing source that you trust and follow the recommendation of proved pros. Write down what you can do today and tomorrow to start. When you do not feel like following your intention, re-read your answers to Steps 1-7. Act now and get his prize-winning fitness recommendation FREE at StephenHoltFitness.
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