Another drawback to walking is that as it's sometimes low power it leads to only a little increase in metabolism which will only last roughly 1-2 hours after the walk.
Occasionally following a fitness program or workout schedule isn't quite as do-able as the people writing the recommendation make it sound. I suspect the concept is to tell you what you should be doing to gain your fitness or weightloss targets, but you know often life gets a bit in the way of all of these plans, and there's just no way you can follow your intended program.
I know, because I am in precisely that position myself at the moment, and it is really easy to get derailed or discouraged and begin to question whether it's all a little too much to keep up in the face of uncontrollable obstructions. The very last thing we wish to do is give up or say, "let's forget the entire thing". It's so simple to get put off by the events and barriers that life puts in the way, but the "can't beat me" sort of feeling can be nurtured by finding an alternative choice to your workout, and I bet that many of us have some side of our program that we've been meaning to work on, but have been too tied up in the regular main activity to concentrate on. I am doing some sit ups, heaven knows I've been avoiding that pleasure for ages now, and I am getting in some push-ups and a no work on the arms with some light weights, or if you haven't any weights, try 2 milk container jugs ( the ones with the handles ) crammed with water, as barbells. So what must you do then if your most important objective is to lose those excess pounds of body fat? I know a few of you by this time say "I cannot do high power exercise, I have got a bad knee" and do not worry, I'm in possession of a solution for you.
So do not think that you have got to start running or something similar to that.
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As with any changes to your fitness schedule use caution and do not over do it. Here's tons more stuff on diet. Jesse Cannone is a licensed personal coach and writer of the top selling fitness electronic book, burn the fat FAST.